UnityCS is dedicated to conducting its tax affairs in a responsible and transparent manner. This comprehensive tax strategy outlines our approach to taxation, compliance, and risk management.
We will always comply with all relevant tax laws, rules, and regulations in good faith. Our aim is to accurately identify and pay the correct amount of tax.
We have a low tolerance for tax risk. To effectively manage tax risks, we engage leading practitioners in the field and adhere to their advice. We assess potential tax risks on a case-by-case basis, considering the likelihood and potential impact. Our goal is to manage risks proportionately and effectively.
We will cooperate with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to fulfil their statutory duties. We maintain an open, professional, and transparent relationship with HMRC at all times. The Company is committed to cooperating with HMRC and addressing issues in a timely and collaborative manner. In cases where genuine differences of opinion arise concerning the application of the law, the Company's primary objective is to resolve such matters with HMRC through open, fact-based dialogue, and by referring to the relevant legislation and tax law.
We exercise due diligence in managing procedures for dealing with tax-related matters. Our corporate governance is comprehensive and suitable for its purpose. We employ internal tax and legal advisers and seek external specialist advice when needed.
We conduct regular audits, performed by specialists, to assess our procedures and ensure robust compliance with the tax code.
We will periodically review and update this tax strategy to reflect changes in tax laws and our business operations. This comprehensive tax strategy represents our commitment to responsible tax practices, aligning with our core principles while effectively managing tax risks. This statement is intended to comprise compliance with the terms of Finance Act 2016, Schedule 19, paragraph 16(2) for the current financial year.
Signed by: William Dermot O’Grady, Director